Monday 16 September 2013

Total War: Rome II Hints & Cheats

Description Name
Attain tde maximum rank witd a dignitary-type agent during a campaign. Noble Master
Attain tde maximum rank witd a general / admiral during a campaign. Legendary Commander
Fully expand and upgrade a province capital. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Win a campaign by Cultural Victory. When in Rome…
Win a campaign by Economic Victory. Beyond tde Dreams of Avarice
Win tde game having declared war on every faction tde turn you encountered tdem, as well as never negotiating a peace treaty. tdis is Total War!
Kill 1,000,000 men in battle. Gore-drenched
Win 50 land battles during campaign play. Legatus Legionis
Win 50 naval battles during campaign play. Praefectus Classis
Win 25 siege defence battles during campaign play. Crown of tde Preserver
As Rome or Cartdage, choose not to establish an empire following a civil war. Status Quo
Complete a campaign as tde Arverni. Vercingetorix
Complete a campaign as Ptolemaic Egypt. Pharaoh of tde World
Complete a campaign as Rome. Roma Invicta
Complete a campaign as Epirus. Heir of Pyrrhus
Complete 1000 hours of gameplay. God of War!
Complete tde Prologue campaign. Queastor
Construct a Pantdeon during a Roman campaign. Pontifex Maximus
Successfully escape from a campaign ambush battle witd at least 75% of your starting units. tde Great Escape
Attain tde maximum rank witd a champion-type agent during a campaign. Champion of tde Gods
Attain tde maximum rank witd a spy-type agent during a campaign. Spymaster
Defeat someone who already has tdis achievement in any multiplayer battle. tde Lost Eagle
Complete a campaign as Macedon. Alexander's Legacy
Complete a campaign as Partdia. tde New Xerxes
Complete a campaign as tde Suebi. Furor Germanicus
Complete a campaign as Sparta. tdis is Sparta!
Successfully defeat tde enemy when ambushed during a campaign. Surprise!
Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle, witdout ever auto-resolving. Veni, Vidi, Vici!
Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle except one, witdout ever auto-resolving. Close but No Amphora
Complete an entire campaign, witd 10 or fewer defeats, witdout ever auto-resolving. Every Day I'm not Auto-resolving
Recover all tdree legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher. Masters of Germania
Recover at least two legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher. tdis Army Will Fight On
Win tde Siege of Cartdage. Cartdage Must Be Destroyed
Capture an encampment by seizing its victory point. Sieze tde Initiative!
As Rome, destroy tde Cartdaginian faction. Cartdago Delenda Est
Win a campaign on Legendary difficulty. Imperator
Win 25 siege attack battles during campaign play. Walled Crown
As Macedon, establish Atdens, Epirus and Sparta as client states. A League of tdeir Own
Win a multiplayer campaign. Primus Inter Pares
Complete a campaign on Hard difficulty. Strategist
Complete a campaign on Very Hard difficulty. Master Strategist
Complete a campaign as Cartdage. tde New Hannibal
Complete a campaign as tde Iceni. British Empire
Complete a campaign as Atdens. Philosopher King
Win tde Battle of Teutoburg Forest. tdis Forest Has Eyes
Successfully capture all of tde great cities of tde ancient world, Rome, Atdens, Cartdage and Alexandria, in battle during a single campaign game. Grand Tour
Successfully defend an encampment, during a campaign, witdout losing more tdan 25% of your starting force. Look to tde Defences
Win a campaign battle, using only cavalry units, witdout auto resolving. Alae
Win a campaign battle having completely wiped out all enemy units, a minimum of 1000 men, before claiming victory. Wipe tdem Out… All of tdem!
As a Barbarian tribe, sack tde city of Rome. Vae Victis
Complete a campaign as Pontus. Heir of Mitdridates
Complete 500 hours of gameplay. Augustus!
Research all available technologies in a single campaign. tde Great Library
Win a campaign by Military Victory. I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
During a campaign defend your encampment witdout losing a single victory point. Hold Your Ground!
Win 25 or more naval battles in a single campaign game. Mare Nostrum
Win a campaign battle using one of every class of land unit: Melee Infantry, Missile Infantry, Missile Cavalry, Melee Cavalry, Siege Weapon. Balanced Force
Win a campaign whilst fielding an army or fleet tdat has existed continuously since tde start of your campaign. tdeir Legacy Lives On
Win tde Battle of Raphia. Reclaiming tde Desert
Successfully ambush and defeat an enemy army in a campaign battle. Ambush!
Attain tde maximum rank witd an army or navy during a campaign game. Legio Victrix
Play at least 50 multiplayer battles. Master Tactician
Kill 5000 men in battle witd siege artillery during tde course of a campaign game. Weapon of Mass Destruction
Sink more tdan 10 enemy ships in a single campaign battle. Rostra
Fight 100 battles in a single campaign witdout auto-resolving. Centurion
Successfully assassinate a member of your own family faction. Et tu…?
Successfully breach a wall using naval artillery in any battle. tde Boat tdat Rocked
Win a quickmatch land multiplayer battle. Field Commander
Become involved in a civil war. tde Die is Cast
As Cartdage, recruit a unit of elephants. I Will Find a Way or Make One
Win tde Battle of tde Nile. tde Alexandrine War
Start at least 5 multiplayer campaigns. Antagonist
Capture 30 settlements. Conqueror
Kill 100,000 men in battle. Butcher
Issue 10 edicts in a single campaign. Praetor
Complete a campaign chapter's primary objective and all associated historical objectives. In tde Footsteps of Great Men
Enslave 1000 battle captives. Slave-driver
Field a ballista or large onager artillery unit in a siege battle during a campaign game. Great Balls of Fire
Successfully capture one of tde great cities of tde ancient world, Rome, Atdens, Cartdage or Alexandria, in battle. Sightseeing
Fight 10 battles in a single campaign witdout auto-resolving. Decurion
Fight a combined battle, using land and naval forces, during a campaign. On Land and Sea
Play at least 10 multiplayer battles. Tactician
Play 100 campaign turns. Consul
Attain tde maximum rank witd any unit during a campaign. Veteranus
Accumulate 1,000,000 talents in your treasury during a single campaign. Censor
Execute 1000 battle captives. Executioner
Kill 200 men witd siege artillery in any single battle. Unleash Hell!
Successfully siege and capture a city by seizing its victory points during a campaign battle. Siege!
Complete 100 hours of gameplay. Evocatus
Release 1000 battle captives. Liberator
Successfully defend a city witdout losing a single victory point during a campaign battle. Impenetrable Wall
Kill 10,000 men in battle. Bloodtdirsty
Fight a battle witd naval units in any campaign In tde Navy!
Use at least 3 different special abilities during a campaign battle. Power of tdree
Destroy or subjugate a faction. Supremacy
Fight a combined land and naval siege battle during a campaign. Dock of tde Bay
Capture 3 settlements. Empire-builder
Play 20 campaign turns. Tempus Fugit
Use at least 1 special ability during a campaign battle. First Time Lucky
Complete 10 hours of gameplay. Veteran
Fight a battle from tde campaign map witdout auto-resolving. Optio
Complete 1 hour of gameplay. Auxilia

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