Monday 16 September 2013

Medieval II Cheats

Codes Effect
add_money "amount" Gives you the specific amount of gold.
auto_win "attacker/defender" When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.
give_trait this "trait" "level number" Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.
process_cq "settlement name" Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.
add_population "settlement name" "amount" Allows you to give a city more population automatically.
toggle_fow Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.
move_character z x,y z=name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain). x,y=coords
show_cursorstat Shows coordinates under mousecursor in format x,y
character_reset Allows a character to move again. Does not always work
create_unit "settlement or character" "unit ID" "amount (1-5)" "experience (1-9)" "armor (1-3)" "weapon (1-3)" Creates Unit at any settlement/general you like
george Mercenary Monster Ribault
houston Mercenary Rocket Launcher
istanbul Mercenary Monster Bombard
madras Elephants
rogan Elephant Artillery
vindaloo Elephant Rocketeer
GoodCommander 5 Increases command skill.
GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAmbusher 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAttacker 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodDefender 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAdministrator 3 Increased Law, Trade Income
Intelligent 3 Increased Command, Income
VictorVirtue 3 Increases Chivalry
PublicFaith 4 Increases Piety
BattleChivalry 5 Increases Chivalry
NaturalMilitarySkill 3 Increases Command
Energetic 3 Increases Movement Points
HaleAndHearty 3 More kids, increased general's hitpoints
PoliticsSkill 3 - loyalty, + authority
MathematicsSkill 3 Increased Income
FathersLegacy 3 Increases Authority
GoodTrader 3 Increased Trade Income
GoodMiner 3 Increased Mining Income
HighPersonalSecurity 3 Increases Peraonal Security
BattleDread 4 Increases Dread
Loyal 3 +Chivalry,Loyalty
Brave 3 +morale
brilliant_inventor +30 build points, +1 farming, 20% bonus on mining income
bard Adds Morale, Popularity
drillmaster +25% movement, unit recruitment discounted
apothecary Have more kids.
doctor Have more kids, improves casualty recovery chance.
scribe_ancillary Adds Authority, Income Bonuses
mentor Increases Command
foodtaster Increases Personal Security
tutor ncreases Piety, Trade Income
bodyguard Increases Peraonal Security, Decreases Popularity
Increases Peraonal Security, Decreases Popularity Increases Hit Points, Personal Security
shieldbearer Increases Hit Points, Lowers Morale
dancer +2 to agent's skill
catamite +1 to agent's skill
courtesan +1 to agent's skill
+1 to agent's skill +1 to agent's skill
GoodSpy 5 TRAIT +1-5 to spy's skill
GoodAssassin 5 TRAIT +1-5 to assassin's skill
GoodSaboteur 3 TRAIT +1-3 to assassin's saboteur skill
PriestLevel 1-2 1 = bishop 2 = cardinal
NaturalPriestLevel 1-3 +piety
StrongFaith 1-4 and/or PublicFaith 1-4 +piety
TouchedByTheGods 1-3 ++piety
Purifier 1-3 + piety, +eligibility +purity +violence
paladin +1 security, +1 purity, +1 violence
witch_hunter / deacon / librarian +1 piety
zealous_disciple +1 piety, +1 personal security
nun +1 piety -1 violence
monk +1 piety -1 purity
NaturalSpySkill 1-3 / NaturalAssassinSkill 1-3 +1-3 agent skill
AssassinsGuildTrained 1/ ThievesGuildTrained 1 + 1 agent skill
AssassinsGuildMember 1/ ThievesGuildMember 1 + 1 agent skill
accomplice + 1 agent skill
monkey + 1 agent skill
explosives + 1 sabotage
handgun + 1 assasination, +2 law (improves public order)
pickpocket + 1 agent skill, +1 line of sight
spyglass + 2 line of sight
beguiling_bard + 1 agent skill, + 1 personal security
false_documents + 1 agent skill

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