Monday, 16 September 2013

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Cheat Codes , Secrets

Codes :
Press enter during game play to bring up a message prompt. Type in the following code to get the desired effect. Warning: These codes disable Achievements.

Effect Code
Terran up the night" during mission Overengineeredcodpiece
5,000 Minerals stroaksmolts
5,000 Minerals and Gas smoldersbolds
5,000 Vespene Gas realmendrilldeep
Access to all UNN Broadcasts StayClassyMarSara
Disable defeat conditions ypoonsvoicemail
Disable Fog of War TookTheRedPill
Disable food requirements mintmansoperator
disable victory condition tyuhasleftthegame
Disables Ability Cooldown HanShotFirst
Disables defeat conditions NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender
Disables tech requirements SoSayWeAll
Disables the time of day Qrotero
Fast Build CatFoodForPrawnGuns
Fast Build reversingnazaire -or- basestarsprimative
Fast Heal ImADoctorNotARoachJim
Fast Heal fsbcomunicacion
Fog of War disabled sawnoutofmemory
Gives 5,000,000 credits whysoserious
Gives 5000 Custom resources DZMHairSpring
Gives 5000 Terrazine jaynestown
Grant 5000 minerals SpectralTiger
Grant 5000 of each resources WhoRunBartertown
Grant 5000 Terrazine Jaynestown
Instant Defeat LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven
Instant Win WhatIsBestInLife
Invincibility and increased damage terribleterribledamage
Lose the current game cadeasygoin
Mission Select lyingpect
Opens cutscene menu eyeofsauron
Opens the UNN broadcast menu furabranchery
Re-enters the last cheat used =
Remove the Supply Cap Bunker55AliveInside
Research points granted wapboinkers
Units/Structures no longer cost resources moredotsmoredots
Unlock all missions LeaveYourSleep
Unlock all Research options HoradricCube
Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1 IAmIronman
Win current game cmethodfeedback

Cow Chat Channel
When in the Starcraft 2 menus press the blue symbol under the title. This will place you in a public chat channel called cow. Every time you speak your message will be followed by ...moo!

Exploding creatures
Left click any creature several times to make it explode.

Secret Mission: Piercing the Shroud
To unlock the secret mission, on the "Media Blitz" mission, where you get to control the Odin in the city, head down to the far bottom right corner of the map. There's a civilian building on a little floating platform. Destroy it, and "secret documents" will be revealed. Pick these up with any ground unit, and then complete the mission as normal. After, you will now have the secret mission available for selection from the Star Map.

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