Monday 16 September 2013

Dead Rising 2 - Case Zero Hints & Cheats

How to Unlock Unlockable
Collect all Bike parts, give katey zombrex, then leave. Ending B
Get caught by the military away from Katey Ending C
Get caught by military on your bike. Ending D
Forget to give katey Zombrex Ending F
Forget to give Katey zombrex while near her. Ending F (alt)
Give Katey zombrex, and collect all bike parts, and leave. Ending A
Give Katey the Zombrex and fail to get all the bike parts Ending E

Easy $1000 on a slot machine:
In the casino, there are slot machines with money in front of them, put in $100 dollars to gamble and you will always win the first 5 times.


Description Name
Save all the survivors in Still Creek. Still Creek Savior
Escape Still Creek with Katey. We Ride To Fortune City!
Defeat Jed the Mechanic. Chop Shop
Kill 100 zombies. Zombie Hunter
Kill 1,000 zombies. Zombie Exterminator
Spend $100,000 in the pawnshop. Small Town, Deep Pockets
Find and return a bike part. Part Way There
Rebuild the bike. Ready to Ride
Build a combo weapon. A Taste of Things to Come
Build all available combo weapons. A bigger taste...
Unlock all the doors in Still Creek. Locksmith
Purchase a clue from Dick, the pawnshop owner. Clueless No More

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