Thursday 26 September 2013

Tales of Xillia Cheats

Grade Shop

After beating the game once, you are prompted to save your game. Afterwards, a new option is added to the title screen called "New Game+". Select this option and load a clear save file to access the Grade Shop. Here, you can purchase a variety of bonuses for your new game using the Grade that you accumulated for earning titles in your previous playthrough.

300 Grade Double Material Points - Doubles the amount of upgrade points you recieve when donating materials to a shop.
500 Grade Double Item Drops - Doubles the chances of defeated enemies dropping items after battle.
300 Grade Double Gald - Earn double the normal amount of gald from battle.
2000 Grade 5x Experience - Earn five times the normal amount of experience points from battle. Stacks with Double Experience for a total of 10x Experience.
300 Grade Double Experience - Earn twice the normal amount of experience from battle. Stacks with 5x Experience for a total of 10x Experience.
500 Grade Inherit Devils' Arms - Begin the game with all of the Devil's Arms you held in your clear file. Their power, if it was unlocked, carries over as well.
700 Grade Inherit Accessory Items - Begin the game with all of the accessories you held in your clear file.
2000 Grade Inherit Skill Items - Begin the game with all of the Arte Tomes and Skill Tomes you held in your clear file.
200 Grade Inherit Special Items - Begin the game with the Winged Boots and the Artes Sphere.
200 Grade Inherit Fashion Items - Begin the game with all of the costumes, hairstyles, and attachments you held in your clear file.
500 Grade Inherit Material Items - Begin the game with all of the materials you held in your clear file.
300 Grade Inherit Consumable Items - Begin the game with all of the consumable items you held in your clear file.
1000 Grade Inherit Gald - Begin the game with all of the gald you held in your clear file.
1000 Grade Max Item Capacity: 99 - Allows you to carry up to 99 of any weapon, armor, accessory, or consumable item.
100 Grade Inherit Arte Usage - Begin the game with the same usage count for every arte as in your clear file.
1500 Grade Maximum AC +2 - Increases the AC of all party members by 2.
500 Grade Maximum AC +1 - Increases the AC of all party members by 1.
3000 Grade Unlock Skits - Allows you to view all of the skits in the game at any time from the menu.
300 Grade Double Gauge Growth - Doubles the rate at which the Link Gauge fills.
2000 Grade Inherit Half Levels - Begin the game with all characters at half of the level they were in your clear file, with a corresponding amount of GP.
5000 Grade Inherit Full Levels - Begin the game with all characters at the exact same level they were in your clear file, with a corresponding amount of GP.
1000 Grade Inherit Shop Levels - All shops will be at the same level they were in your clear file.
500 Grade Max Item Capacity: 30 - Allows you to carry up to 30 of any weapon, armor, accessory, or consumable item.
1000 Grade Reduce Arte Cost - All artes will only cost half the usual amount of TP to use.
100 Grade Double Damage - Doubles all damage dealt. This applies to both allies and enemies alike.
100 Grade Triple Critical - Triples the chances of scoring a critical hit. This applies to both allies and enemies alike.
3000 Grade Skill SP 1 - All skills will only cost 1 SP to equip.

There are 32 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

Turn Teepo on and off 150 times in battle by pressing L3 while controlling Elise Teepo Switching Adept
Use Rowen and manipulate 150 spells in battle. Press the prompt button during a spell. Arte Tuning Adept
Use Leia's Elongating Staff 150 times. Backstep during an enemy attack. Elongating Staff Adept
Link with Jude. Once Jude restores you 150 times after you have been down by an attack. Yeoman Healer
Link with Milla. Binds 150 enemies by stunning them. Skilled Binder
Link with Alvin. Break 150 enemy guards. Deft Breaker
Link with Elise. Use Teepo Drain 150 times. Easiest to active if enemy is thrown up in the air. Soul Drainer
Link with Rowen. Use Auto Magic Guard 150 times. Rowen will activate it as long as enemy cast a spell either on him or you. Spirit Guardian
Use Alvin's Charge 150 times in battle. Press the Arte button after using an arte. Charge Adept
Use Milla's Spirit Shift 150 spells in battle. Tap the Circle button during a spirit arte. Spirit Shift Adept
Use Jude's Snap Pivot 150 times in battle. Backstep during an enemy attack. Snap Pivot Adept
Obtain at least 100 combo hit during a battle. Combo Artiste
Defeat 75 rare monsters. Specialist in Rare Monsters
Participate in 800 battles. Monster Exterminator
Upgrade the Food Vendor to level 100. Food Vendor Magnate
Upgrade the Accessory Shop to level 100. Accessory Shop Magnate
Upgrade the Armor Shop to level 100. Armor Shop Magnate
Upgrade the Weapon Shop to level 100. Weapon Shop Magnate
Upgrade the Item shop to Level 100. Item Shop Magnate
Seen 275 different monsters. Enemy Sage
Own 700 different types of items (incl Armor, Weapons etc) Item Fanatic
Complete at least 90 of 102 subquest throughout your run. Sub-event Superhero
Leia at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Grandmaster-to-Be
Rowen at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Genius Tactician
Elise at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Graduate Channeler
Alvin at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Mercenary Legend
Jude at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Black Belt
Milla at level 99 and complete both Lilium Orbs. Lord of Spirits
Complete Chapter 3 of either story. Exposer of Rieze Maxia
Complete Chapter 2 of either story. Traveler of Rieze Maxia
Complete Chapter 1 of either story. Scholar of Rieze Maxia
Defeat the Golden Swordsman in Magna Zero (Bonus Dungeon) World's Greatest Warrior
Complete Jude's Story He Who Acts With Conviction
Complete Milla's Story She Who Upholds Her Conviction
Obtained all other trophies. Lord of Xillia
Link with Leia. Steals 150 items whiile the enemy is downed. Career Thief
View 220 skits in game. Obsessive Skit Viewer
Open 300 chests in game. Treasure Treasurer
Open 800 random treasures in game. Loot Lord
Open 50 of Aifread's treasures box in game Pirate King
Exchange 459 Black feathers in Sharilton. Jet Black Buzzard
Kill 1350 enemies using their weaknesses. Sadist
Use 1350 link artes in battles. Leader of Links
Performed 450 chain link artes during overlimit in battles. Forger of Chains
AI uses 400 items automatically during battles. Skilled Delegator
Battle 800 times with food consumed. Sous Chef

Medieval II: Total War

Press the tilde (~) key and enter these codes to use them. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure to capitalize family member names, settlement names, and anything else that needs capitalizing or else it will not work.

CHEAT Effect
add_money "amount" Gives you the specific amount of gold.
auto_win "attacker/defender" When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins.
give_trait this "trait" "level number" Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.
process_cq "settlement name" Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically.
add_population "settlement name" "amount" Allows you to give a city more population automatically.
toggle_fow Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted.
move_character z x,y z=name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain). x,y=coords
show_cursorstat Shows coordinates under mousecursor in format x,y
character_reset Allows a character to move again. Does not always work

Detailed Codes for Several Console Commands

Push ~ to access the console. As described above, the "give_trait" command works with several different traits to add to a specific character. In order for this to work, you must have the character selected and outside of a town. It works like:
give_trait this TRAITNAME #

Below is a list of TRAITNAMES and the maximum number you can put after to determine the level of the trait. These are a list of the most beneficial traits, message me if you want me to post the more obscure ones.

CHEAT Effect
GoodCommander 5 Increases command skill.
GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAmbusher 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAttacker 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodDefender 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAdministrator 3 Increased Law, Trade Income
Intelligent 3 Increased Command, Income
VictorVirtue 3 Increases Chivalry
PublicFaith 4 Increases Piety
BattleChivalry 5 Increases Chivalry
NaturalMilitarySkill 3 Increases Command
Energetic 3 Increases Movement Points
HaleAndHearty 3 More kids, increased general's hitpoints
PoliticsSkill 3 - loyalty, + authority
MathematicsSkill 3 Increased Income
FathersLegacy 3 Increases Authority
GoodTrader 3 Increased Trade Income
GoodMiner 3 Increased Mining Income
HighPersonalSecurity 3 Increases Peraonal Security
BattleDread 4 Increases Dread
Loyal 3 +Chivalry,Loyalty
Brave 3 +morale